Bible Studies

"Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth." 2 Timothy 2:15

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Bible Books Studies and Topics Studies

The following Bible Studies and Topical outlines are courtesy of Mark A. Copeland. If you want to see more of Mark's outline, visit his website at The "Executable Outlines" Series

Old Testament Studies... New Testament Studies... Topical Studies...
0001. Baptism

One of the issue over which Christian groups disagree is the question of who should be baptized. Should only those who has come to a personal, conscious decision of faith be baptized? Or, should children be included in this rite? And if children are proper subjects, should all children, or only the children of believing parents, be baptized? To understand this subject of baptism, we need to look at different kind of baptism mentioned in the Bible. Hope this information with prayer will enrich your understanding on the doctrine of Baptism
0002. Dispensations

In the study of Scripture, it is important to understand that scriptural revelation falls into well-defined periods. These are clearly separated, and the recognition of these divisions and their divine purposes constitute one of the important factors in true interpretation of the Scriptures. These divisions are termed DISPENSATIONS, and in successive periods of time different dispensations may be observed. A dispensation can be defined as a stage in the progressive revelation of God constituting a distinctive stewardship or rule of life. Although the concept of a dispensation and an age in the Bible is not precisely the same, it is obvious that each age has its dispensation Hope this information with prayer will enrich your understanding on the doctrine of Dispensations
0003. Drinking & Wine

I thank God for the presence of those of you, in our Sunday School lesson of August 2, 1992. If you could recall that an issue about Christians and wine drinking was debated. This is just an information that l hope and pray that each one of you can use to arrive at a decision or understanding about what the Bible say about wine. Please pray that the Holy Spirit will give you the understand of God Word on this very sensitive subject. If you need more clarification about what the Bible say about Drinking & Wine, please feel free to consult your bible and the Lord.
0004. Gambling

Gambling is an epidemic in America that is destroying lives and homes. It is big business in this culture we call America, and it is no longer conducted only by the underworld of organized crime; the government is now capitalizing on the desires of many Americans to get rich quick and become millionaires overnight. If you need more clarification about what the Bible say about Gambling, please feel free to consult the Lord and your Bible.
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